graduate verbose person who has studied and graduated from the "American Sidebartending S chool" (used by journalists during the O.J. morning, time before noon hours between midnight and noon nickname for a morni ng newspaper (distributed very late at night) A.S.S. branch of science dealing with simulation and implementation of human intelligen ce on a computer simulated intelligence A.M. of the Hegira (according to the Muslim calendar) A.I.

in the year of our Lord (Latin phrase which designates the years since the reputĮd date of the birth of Christ) A.H. electric current that reverses direction at regular intervals A.D. Gordon Aaron David Gordon (1856-1922), Zionist ideologue and writer A.C. Yehoshua Avraham Boolie Yehoshua (born 1936), Israeli playwright and author A.
#Horae shit and apple butter dessert movie
A Doll's House play written by Henrik Ibsen A P Giannini Amadeo Peter Giannini (1870-1949), American banker from San Francisco, founder o f the Bank of America A Programming Language computer programming language that was developed in the 1960s and is usually use d to generate matrixed data (based on loops instructions, used in mainframes and smaller computers) A Separate Peace 1959 novel written by John Knowles about school roommates in Devon School in New Hampshire during World War II and how the rivalry between them ruined their fri endship finally leading to tragedy A Streetcar Named Desire play by Tennessee Williams movie adapted from the play starring the late Marlon Brando A Tale of Two Cities novel written in 1859 by Charles Dickens which takes place in of Paris and Londo n during the years that lead up to the French Revolution A branch military division dealing with personnel A branch GHQ military division responsible for personnel management and manpower A division military division dealing with personnel A'asia region that comprises Australia and New Zealand together with New Guinea and isl ands of the South Pacific which are in the vicinity Oceania A-bomb atomic bomb A-line dress dress that is narrow at the top and flares out at the bottom A-one A 1, excellent, outstanding of first quality, first rate, of the highest qualit y, quality "A" first class first rate A.