Positive current flows from node N+ through the current source to the negative node N.

N+ is the positive node, and N- is the negative node as shown in the above fig(b). 2-41) Use the part VPULSE or IPULSE (shown). The symbol of an independent current source is I, and the general form for assigning dc and transient value is 2-32) PSpice shows that average power is 60 W and energy is 1.2 J. A voltage source may be used as an Ammeter in P Spice by inserting a zero-valued voltage source in to the circuit for the purpose of measuring current. The time dependent source (e,g.PULSE,EXP, or SIN) is specified for transient analysis. 3) Go to File > New > Project 4) Enter a name (i.e. 2) Choose OrCAD Designer PSCPICE as your Cadence Product Choice. The source is set to the dc value in dc analysis. 1) To Open PSPICE, go to folder ORCAD 16.0 and choose the program OrCAD Capture CIS a) Vista Users should run Capture as Administrator (under the right click menu). None or all of the dc and transient values may be specified.Ī source can be assigned either a dc value or a transient value. Editor spreadsheet (in PSpice) 81,795, 828 791829 model 822, 823 part name 793794 pull-down resistor 213 pulse (VPULSE/IPULSE) waveform 796 PWL. For the dc and transient values, the default value is zero. Positive current flows from node N+ through the voltage source to the negative node N. A V2 value 1 million volts should not be. If not try reducing the accuracy of the parameters in the 'Spice' panel of the ToolsControl Panel window by a factor of ten. N+ is the positive node, and N- is the negative node as shown in the above fig(a). Go to the Spice Analysis (Edit Simulation Command) and try selecting the 'Skip Initial Operating Point' and/or the 'Start External DC Supply Voltage at 0V' to see if that helps. Each rms value is 0.57735, which is identical to 1/√3.The symbol of an independent voltage source is V, and the general form for assigning dc and transient value is The fall times are the period minus the rise times. Here, the period is 100 ms, and the rise times chosen are 20 ms, 50 ms, and 80 ms. Power absorbed by the switch is 784 mW.Ģ-41) Use the part VPULSE or IPULSE (shown). Power absorbed by the Zener diode is 14.2 W. In this tutorial, we will describe the use of the pulse and exponential waveforms as voltage.

Sonek, Applications of PSPICE Simulation. Pulse and Exponential Waveforms in PSPICE. Power absorbed by the inductor is zero.ī) Power in the inductor is zero, but power in the 1.5Ω resistor is 4.4 W. implemented by idc and ipulse, respectively under the library of analoglib. DELAY DIODE IEXP INDUCTOR IPULSE IPWLIN ISFFM ISINE LOSSYLINE MULTIPLIER NJFET NMESFET NMOSFET NMOSFET3. See Problem 3-37 for the circuit diagram.Ī) Power absorbed by the Zener diode is 36.1 W. 20GL2C41A 25C PSpice Model (Free SPICE Model). Power absorbed by the Zener diode is 6.35 W. Power absorbed by the Zener diode is 13.8 W.ī) Power in the inductor is zero, but power in the 1.5Ω resistor is 1.76 W. initial value to the pulse plateau value (reverse transit time). Na slici 13 koristimo izvore VPULSE i IPULSE iz biblioteke SOURCE. The inductor current reaches a maximum value of 3.4 A with the resistances in the circuit: I = 75/(20+1+1) = 3.4 A.Ī) Power absorbed by the inductor is zero. PSpice model library includes parameterized models such as BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, SCRs, discretes, operational amplifiers, optocouplers, regulators, and PWM controllers from various IC vendors. NOTE: VSRC and ISRC not used Usually VSin/ISin/VPULSE/IPULSE used. PSpice sadri biblioteke analognih i digitalnih komponenti (kao to su NI, NILI. The difference is absorbed by the switch and diode. The source power is -16.2 W absorbed, meaning 16.2 W supplied.ī) If the diode and switch parameters are changed, the inductor peak energy is 635 mJ, and the resistor absorbed energy is 620 mJ. The inductor peak energy is 649 mJ, matching the resistor absorbed energy. For the inductor and dc source, the average power is zero (slightly different because of numerical solution). Use VPULSE and IPULSE for the sources.Ģ-33) Average power for the resistor is approximately 1000 W. Power including terms through n = 4 is 158.9 watts.Ģ-26) a) THD = 5% → I9 = (0.05)(10) = 0.5 A.Ģ-32) PSpice shows that average power is 60 W and energy is 1.2 J.